Home → Using Helpdesk → How to Submit or Update a Helpdesk Ticket → Submitting a Helpdesk Ticket
1.1. Submitting a Helpdesk Ticket
To submit a new helpdesk ticket please go to helpdesk.reeths-puffer.org Next fill out the page as completely as you can, describing the issue as well as you can. (See video below. If you are having trouble seeing the video please reopen this page in Internet Explorer.)
Once you have filled out that page and pressed the "Submit" button you will be brought to a confirmation page and you will receive an email from helpdesk@reeths-puffer.org Please do not reply to this email as we will not receive it.
To update your request please open the email you received and click the link in the top right corner that reads "View the complete request history" this will take you to your current request where you may add whatever information you would like.